
Twelve Brown CS Students Will Be Recognized For Their Achievements With The Senior Prize In Computer Science

    Brown University's Department of Computer Science (Brown CS) has just announced that it will recognize twelve graduating seniors for their achievements at Commencement in May. Dilip Arumugam, Luke Camery, Athyuttam Eleti, Sara Hartse, Emma Herold, Alexandria Karim, Surbhi Madan, Oluwanifemi Madarikan, Kei Nakagawa, Marley Rafson, Zoe Stoll, and Daniel Ziring will each receive the Senior Prize in Computer Science for their academic work as well as their service to Brown CS. This is the largest number of senior prizes ever awarded in one year, reflecting both the increased size of the department and what these individuals have done for it. 

    "These are our top students," says Associate Professor (Research) and Vice Chair Tom Doeppner. "As a group, they've done superior work, but we were also very impressed with how generously they were able to give back to the department and their fellow students." 

    “The CS department was what attracted me to Brown as a high school student, and it did not disappoint. I cannot thank the department enough for all the growth, memories, and friends that it has given me,” says Luke.  

    Athyuttam is also thankful for Brown’s CS department. “I'm incredibly grateful for the recognition, but even more so for the CS department and community. Brown’s CS department cares so much about their student body, and it directly reflects in how students are active participants in helping shape and improve it. My special thanks to faculty and staff for making it so,” he says. 

    Surbhi shares a similar experience: “I've worked with so many really incredible people in this department, both in the courses I've taken as well as the ones I've TA-ed. I learn so much each day from my peers and I have no doubt that I would not have made it through being a CS concentrator without all the support I've gotten. I'm very grateful to be recognized by the department, but I owe this to my peers who've constantly given me the confidence to do things that I didn't have the courage to pursue,” she says. “I've absolutely loved being a part of and watching the department and our courses grow and evolve for the better and I'm fortunate to have been given opportunities to effect change in a positive way. I owe eternal gratitude to many of my peers and professors for the incredible past 4 years of being part of Brown CS.”

    For more information, click the link that follows to contact Brown CS Communications Outreach Specialist Jesse C. Polhemus