
Serdar Kadioglu Wins The 2024 AAAI Educational AI Video Competition

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Serdar Kadioglu, Brown CS adjunct faculty member and Group VP of AI at Fidelity Investments, recently won the 2024 AAAI Educational AI Video Competition, a new competition for informative AI videos for general audiences whose goal is to create positive videos that help spread informative, accurate, and timely information about AI research and applications for the general public. His video, “From Classical AI to Modern and Generative AI: The Evolution of AI Paradigms”, explored the decades-long progress of AI.

“Providing thoughtful leadership and sharing accurate and self-contained educational content that anyone can watch and understand with little context is critical,” Serdar says. “And that’s exactly the goal of our video.”

Serdar introduced the video by asking what separates IBM’s Deep Blue from Deep Learning, and how Google DeepMind’s AlphaGo differs from Microsoft Open AI’s ChatGPT, stating that the goal is to enable the general public to recognize and distinguish among these paradigms in their next AI interaction in daily life and manage expectations about their strengths and weaknesses. 

Serdar also says that it’s important for us to acknowledge that the time it takes for technological advances has shortened drastically, creating a problem for the general population. “It is a problem for the industry, which must keep up the pace, pivot rapidly, and race for talent,” he says. 

“It’s a problem for science, which must improve the signal-to-noise ratio while advocating reproducibility and open research, and it’s a problem for society at large, which must combat the AI fatigue caused by the bombardment of new advances almost every day, making us numb to emerging technologies,” Serdar states.

Serdar’s video maintains that artificial intelligence is now present everywhere and is witnessing a rising trend, something that may not be fully apparent unless we look at the evolution behind AI paradigms from a broader perspective. It raises questions, he says, whose answers should be accessible to everyone. 

“We depend on the broader community to spread educational material and keep up with recent advancements, and we are grateful to the AAI organization for helping us achieve that,” Serdar says. 

For more information, please click the link that follows to contact Brown CS Communications Manager Jesse C. Polhemus.