
Sign Up To Give A Data Science, Computation, And Visualization (DSCoV) Workshop


    Brown University's Data Science Institute (DSI) and the Center for Computation and Visualization (CCV) are putting together their Data Science, Computation, and Visualization (DSCoV) Workshops schedule for the spring semester, and they're looking for volunteers to give a workshop! 

    DSCoV Workshops are 1-hour skills based workshops, held on Fridays 12-1pm with pizza for lunch. The idea is to have data science and computing community members share their skills and expertise in an informal setting. The audience ranges from undergrads to research staff to postdocs depending on the topics and level. Topics range throughout data science, programming skills, and technology.

    If you are a grad student, postdoc, research staff member, or faculty member with experience/expertise in a particular language, platform, or computational/visualization skill, they would love to have you give a DSCoV Workshop!  They love having a variety of speakers from across many disciplines. 

    Here are resources with more information:

    You can reach out to Aspen Stuart-Cunningham ( or Ellen Duong from CCV ( with questions.