
New Goals, New Paths: Continuing To Transform Our Introductory Course Sequences


The latest cover story from Conduit, the Brown CS annual magazine, is our deepest dive yet into the inner workings of our courses and how they advance our mission of serving an increasing diversity of students who have a broader set of career and life goals. It documents a new introductory course pathway, CSCI 0111-0112, as well as a new course, CSCI 0200, where all four introductory courses come together. 

In the pages that follow, we situate the new sequence by giving brief histories of earlier ones, examine the phenomenon of introductory course tribalism, explain the motivation for this latest change, and then see how the experiment is going thus far. The article even includes full-length assignments from four different courses as case studies. Whether you’re returning to the CIT decades later or stepping inside for the first time, join us as we walk the pathways with the faculty members and UTAs who created them and the students who are finding their way on them today.

Click here to read the full article.

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